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Columbia Rear Axle, 1937, VB92

Installation instructions, 1937 car

Columbia Rear Axle, 1940, VB93

Installation instructions, 1940 car

Columbia Rear Axle, installation instructions, 1941-1948, VB96

41-48 Ford, Mercury, & Lincoln Zephyr, 10 pages

Detail & Specification Book, 1932, VB1

Restorer's Guide, Ford 4 & 8 cylinder guide on interior, exterior and mechanical servicing, contains many useful charts & diagrams, plus passenger car body details listed by body style, 29 pages, 20 illustrations, 1932 car & pickup

Detail & Specification Book, 1933, VB3

Restorer's Guide. Ford 4 & 8 cylinder guide on interior, exterior and mechanical servicing, contains many useful charts & diagrams, plus chassis and body style specifications, 29 pages, 15 illustrations, 1933 car & pickup OUT OF STOCK

Detail & Specification Book, 1934, VB5

Restorer's Guide. Changes over 1932-1933 in paints, mechanics, windows and styling, 59 pages, 1934 car & pickup

Detail & Specification Book, 1935, VB7

Restorer's Guide. Lists improvements made with new body & frame, 64 pages, 1935 car. DISCONTINUED

Detail & Specification Book, 1936, VB8

Restorer's Guide. Details & specifications of the Ford V8 car for 1936, complete mechanical specs and breakdown of body specs by body style, 64 pages, 10 illustrations.