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Eaton 2 Speed Axle Handbook set, VB220

Set of 2 books. This is the heavy-duty stuff for the truck guys. One book is about how to operate and maintain this rear end while the other is about how to fix it. Lots of pictures and detailed instructions. SEE SPECIAL INVENTORY CLEARANCE PRICING!
$48.00 $20.00

Ford Flathead V-8 Builders Handbook, 1932-1953, VB160

Tips on rebuilding Ford and Mercury V-8 flatheads for stock and high performance, covers boring, stroking, porting, and relieving, 154 pages, 500 illustrations, 1932-1953 car

Ford Maintenance Manual, 1932-1948, VB9

To help owners keep cars running during WWII shortages, was issued by the company, 64 pages, 1932-1948 car OUT OF STOCK

Ford Passenger And Commercial Reference Book, 1939, VB22

Includes lubrication chart & wiring diagrams, contains specifications, license data, instrument use, headlight alignment, brakes, tires, shocks and more, 64 pages, 34 illustrations, 1939 car & truck. OUT OF STOCK

Ford Reference Book , 1936, VB17

Owner instructions for operation and maintenance, gives lubrication and wiring charts & servicing adjustments, 32 pages

Ford Reference Book, 1937, VB20

With Ford V-60 specifications, the regular owner instruction manual, with lubrication charts and wiring diagrams, covers oil, instrument use, distributor, carburetor adjustment, electrical, headlight alignment, and more, 64 page, 36 illustrations

Ford Reference Book, 1938, VB21

For the 85 HP engine, with Ford V-60 specifications, includes lubrication chart & wiring diagrams, contains specifications & license data, covers distributor, carburetor, brakes, shocks, and more, 64 pages, 36 illustrations,

Ford Service Bulletins, , 1941-1948, VB129

Features all bulletins for the line that would become Ford's final expression under the traditional chassis engineering guidelines, covers all changes pertinent to production during these model years & includes the supplementary Troubleshooting Bulletins series, 384 pages, 360 illustrations, hardbound, 1941-1948 car & pickup